mercoledì 28 novembre 2018

No longer

Gabriella Zannoni

She's no longer me,
or maybe I've never been She.

martedì 25 settembre 2018

Reading portrait

Esiste la paura di vivere e quella di morire.
Ma provate ad immaginare come sarebbe se non ci fosse scelta tra l’una e l’altra e se,
 l’unica condizione possibile, fosse quella di vivere e morire contemporaneamente.
Vita e morte insieme e nessun tempo per sperimentare altro che una realtà che
 non spaventa e non si fa spaventare dalla paura umana.
Qualcosa che possa farti proseguire pur nell’immobilità.
Qualcuno che ti rimane accanto pur essendosene andato da molto tempo.
Quello che resta di un tempo ormai trascorso pur non essendo mai passato.
Di questo e di molto altro discuteremo nel prossimo appuntamento che, 
grazie ad Umbrialibri, ha preso forma: quella che fa, 
di una qualunque storia, un ritratto colorato e scritto per essere letto.

 There is a fear of living and a fear of dying.
But try to imagine how it would be if there was no choice between them and if,
  the only possible condition was that of living and dying at the same time.
Life and death together and no time to experience anything other than a reality that
  it does not frighten and is not scared by human fear.
Something that can keep you going even in stillness.
Someone who stays next to you even though have been gone for a long time.
Something that remains of a time gone by even though it has never passed.
Of this and much more we will discuss in the next appointment that,
thanks to Umbrialibri, it has taken shape: what it does,
of any story, a portrait colored and written to be read.

mercoledì 8 agosto 2018


I suspect about me, 
even if I'm trying to find 
a mitigating circumstance.

lunedì 30 aprile 2018

Jekkel - novel

Jekkel, one of the many characters in this novel is, as each of them, the result of a
 physical, but more existential, mutation caused by the arrival of
an unexpected wind: on any day of a near future.
A gentle wind in the end, able to make us close our eyes for a while now
become impossible to define, if not by calling it Now.

Stories of survival and metamorphosis that follow each other to
 converge in a dimension that is also changed,
but surprisingly for the better.

A reflection in psychological and sci-fi key on the feelings that accompany each 
change up to what it will see, in the course of the narration, the fulfillment of a 
different and alternative existence to this.

A visionary novel in which the hand of the wind will only move us,
then let us recombace elsewhere.

- But Elsewhere when?
- This is the Time.

I'll be in Turin on May 10th

lunedì 23 aprile 2018

Perfect wiew

It's always weak the focal point.

Perfect vision never accepts a single point of wiew and
 therefore it moves elsewhere.

Not for not staying, but to return somehow, 


martedì 27 marzo 2018


We will be ghosts,
similar to the shadows we projected and 
those that have darkened us.  
Targets of light.

giovedì 18 gennaio 2018