martedì 22 dicembre 2015


Abstraction allows you 
to isolate a single concept in 
the speed of his versatile

mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015

Where to.

The award is
important to continue beyond,
even if not still knowing where to ...

You did you know?

giovedì 10 dicembre 2015

Italian style

We were so good,
to exhume the bodies of saints to 
make money and spending them in favor of 
those whom has shaped with wax a face,
stitched his dress,
built glass case and
an inlaid golden coffin to shine and show its glow
forever and ever.

Spent to bury those whom,
with their hands have believed,
digging in the earth,
moving the debris of time and touching
what that time had contaminated,
they hoped to be considered innocents
after they had sinned so much.

Because it is difficult to distinguish a sinner
from a saint.
left the spade,
one non-string in his hands the money
offered to him by another that,
in the eyes,
has the glow of gold.

martedì 1 dicembre 2015

Points of you

A single point make up the story,
and the point it's you,
aware only that you could not add more,
at that point.
But it does not stop the story that continues
inexorable point after point
after point,
after point.
In the infinite suspension
that leaves a trace after another.
Not indelible,
and not even visible when, looking at the space
remained empty you do not see the other,
even if filled by a point.

venerdì 27 novembre 2015

giovedì 26 novembre 2015

Algebraic expressions

I put in two parentheses your name 
trying to solve for you
the expression of what you could have said 
after the colon of a division.

But it was the same.

martedì 24 novembre 2015

Having not

Everything you want from me, 
I don't have.

But all that you have not,
I had.

mercoledì 18 novembre 2015

Have you ever heard this song?

I close my eyes more often,

Soft shelters where I hide for
not to see me when,
seen by the others,
I do not recognize myself.

They are the liquid patina that envelops them and
which often grows and comes out and warms me.

I'm not afraid and there is no suffering.
Only sadness it sometimes tarnishes the view and 
shows me things out of their real proportion.

That's why I close them more often.

To not disappear inside of them, 
and through them, 
in the gaze of me.

martedì 17 novembre 2015


I move myself in removed: at least I can
claim to know him better than anyone else.

giovedì 12 novembre 2015

Personal intent

He loves you for not love himself.

He hates you for not hate himself.

He looks at you for not find himself.

Existing in the transparency of another with 
the sole intent of not being seen.

lunedì 9 novembre 2015


We search without never find, 
and yet we know that 
more than things we search for words.
Behind the silence, the voice.

giovedì 5 novembre 2015 if

"As if" - Oil on wood 100x80 if after life there was still life.

After death, one more word.

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2015

Other men

Liu Bolin 

To certain men we recognise the 
privilege to have them lived.

To others, however,
the merit of letting us live.

lunedì 26 ottobre 2015


Roberto Kusterle

Ideal overlappings that ideally
remain for ever faithful.

venerdì 23 ottobre 2015

Human being

They always look similar, 
according to what moves them.

Almost never, 
for what could them stop.

mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015


The hermetism is the most terrible 
form of disobedience because, 
while expressing the inexpressible,
 never fails to express the unexpressed.

martedì 20 ottobre 2015

lunedì 19 ottobre 2015

Living symbols

An only point is the abandonment.

One line the desert.

A comma one step and
the space between two parenthesis a world.

A circle the oxygen.

The cross a memory.

The asterisk is energetic.

The arrow the unknown.

The number one is now.

The zero was not there.

The apostrophe is a sigh and
the accent the time to take flight.

giovedì 15 ottobre 2015

Crazy cat

I'm the first of four crazy cats.

Black and white
white and black
like my brothers.

As there isn't a predominant color
we interchange them:
so they always go back where they were.

Everybody says we're crazy.

Therefore we call ourselves:
crazy cat one
crazy cat two
crazy cat three
crazy cat four.
In total we are ten or maybe just one.
It depends on the circumstance
and the need of the moment.

Because sometimes it's better to think of being in many,
than a lonely crazy cat only.

Although of four.

giovedì 8 ottobre 2015

Do you?

The first thing you will do after
not having do anything
will be the right one.

martedì 6 ottobre 2015

Time to

- Now it's time to feed your mouth.
- I do not expect more.

- I'll have to do it very slowly.
- I'll wait until you've finished.

- I start now.
- You've done it.

- Through the sole intention?
- Yes.

- Then I stop.
- You can't do this anymore.

- Why?
- Because am I still hungry of your words,
your intentions and love that, through them,
you have been able to demonstrate.

- So let me finish.
- I'll let you start.

giovedì 1 ottobre 2015


Who dominates whom,
if you have to fall upon someone else to dominate
 and hurt you and hurt them?

Dominated by pain.

giovedì 17 settembre 2015


I don't like to be what I am not 
although at times, 
for being so, 
I can't avoid to become it.